Thai Poosam Kavady is the first of 3 popular rituals which is celebrated during January and February, in honour of Lord Muruga who is the God of War. Tonight the flag has been hoisted depicting the beginning of this highly auspicious festival.

Many devotees across the world will observe a strict fast during this period and will continue to do this as they have full faith in the power of Lord Murga to cure them of any ill fate. If the Lord is pleased with their sacrifice then he will greatly reward them.

The Vel is a very important element of Kavady as Lord Muruga is always depicted carrying it. This is his most powerful weapon. Hence many devotees will have these in their homes to symbolise the true power of Lord Murugan.

This year the spirit of Kavady is a bit different but will never be less powerful than other years. God will always be with us whether we go to the temple or observe from home. What matters most is performing the rituals with a pure and honest heart. Remember that Lord Muruga is the GOD of victory and we need him more than ever to help us fight this evil pandemic. Let us all stand together strong in faith and prayer to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

The team at Henry’s would like to wish everyone well with their fasting and rituals that will be performed at home. May the Lord of victory perform many miracles in your life and answer all of your prayers.


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