Archangel Jophiel Candle Beauty, wisdom, understanding, creativity Jophiel is the Angel of Wisdom and he is responsible for the development of the crown chakra of every being in the universe. Each facet of your crown chakra contains a light code for your ascension. Each facet links to a star or Ascension Flame. Jophiel triggers these links when you are ready…
Archangel Metatron Candle Guides the Ascension process for Earth & Your Soul Mission Metatron is a glorious golden-orange angel who is in charge of the ascension process of humanity, the Earth and the entire universe. He will help you build your personal light. When you open your heart to him, you accelerate your opportunity for ascension. He is also in…
Archangel Raphael Candle Healing of mind, body, soul and abundance consciousness He is the Angel of healing, for he can transmute the density in your mental and emotional bodies so that the physical can become divinely healthy. He also supervises the abundance consciousness of humanity, inspiring us all to attune to the infinite plenty of the universe. He is responsible…
Archangel Zadkiel Candle Forgiveness, Compassion, Mercy & Transmutation Zadkiel oversees the different colour vibrations of the Violet Ray of Transmutation, which provides the energy to dissolve and clear dense vibrations. He helps clear unresolved karma, ancestral and genetic karma. He is the angel of forgiveness, compassion and mercy. He works with St Germain, and merges with Archangel Gabriel to create…